Visit our Clinic
Suite 6, 506 Miller St, Cammeray
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 7.30am - 7.30pm, Sat 8am - 12pm

Physio for Common Running Injuries

Have you just completed the SMH Half Marathon and looking for your next event?  Or are you inspired to join the 80,000 runners in the City to Surf or the Blackmores Running Festival later in the year?

Unfortunately when training for long distance events aches and pains can creep up on your body and stop you from performing at your best.  The good news is that a there is a lot you can do to prevent them but if they do appear they are treatable.

Running injuries are commonly caused by a sudden increase in training, incorrect footwear, poor biomechanics, weak muscles (quads and gluts) and tight muscles (calves, hamstrings and ITB).

Treatment is important to prevent the injury occurring or getting worse.  It consists of addressing your biomechanics (technique correction), rebalancing your muscles (massaging tight muscles and strengthening the weak ones) and following a gradual increased training program.

Common Running Injuries include:

  • Knee Pain
  • Achilles Tendonopathy
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • ITB syndrome
  • Muscle strains and tears

If you’re keen to get running and don’t want to be limited by injury give us a call 0280656902.

Mens Health Week Physio On Miller

Men’s Health Week

Men’s Health Week is an initiative to bring awareness to mens health and well being.

To celebrate we are offering all the blokes 30% off massage or private pilates classes before the end of June. (Ladies you may need to give them a kick start and book them in)

Introducing Rick our new massage therapist in Cammeray

We are excited to have Rick, our new massage therapist, join our team at Physio On Miller. With 12 years experience Rick’s focus is on sports and remedial based therapy. Working with office workers, and sportspeople of all levels, including, runners, swimmers, cyclists and dancers, Rick knows the benefit of regular massage , and it’s ability to improve performance, be it sporting, or day to day mobility.

Physio On Miller supporting About Life Detox Week

About Life, Cammeray Detox Week

Physio On Miller is excited to support About Life’s Detox Week.

As you know we here at Physio On Miller love everything healthy! So it’s exciting we are joining About Life, Cammeray in their health and community initiative.

Next week About Life is launching their Annual Community Detox Week. To support the Cammeray community towards better health Physio on Miller are offering 25% off a Private Pilates class (for the month of February) when you buy one of About Life’s yummy Detox Juice of the Day.

After you’ve enjoyed your yummy juice give us a call to organise your class and bring in your receipt to take a step closer to a healthier and stronger you.

To read more about Detox Week check out or follow this link DETOX HANDOUT_2015.

About Life

7 minute core workout

7 Minute Core Workout

Fitting exercise into our busy lives can be a struggle but the 7 Minute Workout by McMaster University scientists has established that even a short intense exercise routine can reap benefits.  Want to strengthen your core then join us for the 7 minute core workout:

Perform each exercise for 1 minute with a 15 second rest between each.  Remember these exercises should not cause pain.

Chest Lift

Chest Lift

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.  Place hands behind your head.
  2. Inhale to prepare.
  3. As you exhale draw in your deep abdominals and lift your chest/upper torso until your shoulder blades are just resting on the mat.
  4. Make sure your spine stays in neutral, not flattening or arching.  Your neck and shoulders should be relaxed, and the weight of your head resting in your hands.
  5. Inhale and as you exhale tighten your deep abdominals and return to lie flat on the mat.

Toe Tap

Toe Taps

1.   Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.  Place hands by your side.

2.   Inhale to prepare, as you exhale draw in your abdominals towards the spine, tightening your deep abdominals.

3.   As you exhale lift one leg into table top ensuring your back is not flattening or arching.  Your neck and shoulders should be relaxed.

4.   Inhale and as you exhale tighten your deep abdominals and lift the other leg into table top.

5.   Inhale and as your exhale tighten your core and lower one leg to tap to the floor, inhale to bring back to table top.  Repeat with the other leg.



  1. Start in pilates neutral position
  2. Inhale to prepare, tighten your deep abdominals and pelvic floor.
  3. Exhale as you imprint your lower spine into the mat, then tuck the tail bone under and start to peel the spine off the mat one vertebrae at a time into a full bridge.
  4. Inhale, in full bridge
  5. Exhale as you roll back down one vertebrae at a time back to the start position.

TIP Imagine your spine is like the links of a chain and you are peeling them up one at time, not like a wooden plank.



Underneath arm outstretched in alignment with your head and trunk. Rolled towel under your head.

Hips bent up to approx 45 degrees and knees bent to approx 90 degrees.

Knees in front, feet in align with your body. Top hand resting on the floor in front or on the top hip.

  1. Inhale to prepare, tighten your deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.
  2.  Exhale, float top knee upwards keeping the feet together.
  3. Inhale, lower knee to start position.

TIP Aim to keep the trunk and pelvis still and shoulders relaxed during this exercise.



1. Laying on your front, rest you weight on your hands and toes. Slide you shoulder blades down the back and lengthen through the back of the neck.

2. Inhale to prepare, exhale and tighten your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.

3. Maintain this position for 2 breaths keeping the abdominal muscles continually “on” through both the inhale and exhale.

TIP If you experience wrist discomfort and back pain you can modify the exercise to place weight on your forearms and knees.