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Suite 6, 506 Miller St, Cammeray
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 7.30am - 7.30pm, Sat 8am - 12pm

Kick start your healthy 2015

Here’s to a healthy 2015!  What are your goals for a healthy year?  We share some easy tips to get you started:

1.    Increase your incidental exercise

Life can be so busy that it’s hard to find time to exercise, but what if taking the stairs or getting off the bus one stop early could help our health.   Instead of emailing a colleague get up and have a chat, rather than have a coffee to meet up with a friend go for a walk.

Spending less time sitting and more time moving can improve your heath.  A study found people who sat for between 8 and 11 hours had an increase risk of death of 15% and those who sat for longer than 11 hours increased their risk of death by a whopping 40% (as compared to people who sat for only 4-8hrs/day).

2.    Get planning

We schedule appointments, social activities and work events so why not schedule exercise.  By putting it in your diary you are more likely to commit.  Start by booking an exercise “appointment” in your schedule once a week and as you regularly commit, add an extra exercise “appointment” each month.

3.    Sign up for an event

Nothing pushes you to commit to exercise like registering for an event.  By telling friends and paying for your ticket it’s hard to back down.  Some great events this year are Miss Muddy (, City 2 Surf ( and Ocean Swims (

4.    Cook up a storm

It doesn’t take long for our schedule to get booked up and at the end of a busy day sometimes cooking is the last thing we feel like.  But instead of reaching for the takeaway menu wouldn’t it be great if there was something healthy in the freezer already prepared.  Spend a bit of time on the weekend and cook up some yummy food that you can freeze and pull out during the week for those busy days.

5.    7 minute workout

And if all this is too hard there is always a 7 minute workout.  A study out of McMaster University found a 7 minute high intensity work out produced changes in the muscles comparable to several hours of cycling or running.  There is even an app to get you started (

So enjoy and kick start your healthy 2015!

Early Bird Special – Pilates Classes

Wanting to get into shape this summer?  Come join our Pilates classes which will get you taut, toned and terrific!  Classes are taught by experienced physios and can help increase your flexibility, core strength and cardio fitness.  We are offering a 15% discount when you purchase 10 classes before 18th December.  To find out more please call us on 8065 6902.

Get your body summer ready

As winter comes to an end we might all be feeling a little more motivated to get healthy.  As the days get longer and a little warmer it’s easier to exercise and lighter, healthier food becomes more tempting. A recent article in SMH gave great tips to start getting your body summer ready:

1. Incidental exercise

The new fad is NEAT fitness – non-exercise activity thermogenesis.  Essentially what it means is adding incidental exercise to your day, such as walking the stairs rather than taking the lift, getting out at lunchtime and walking to do your groceries.  These are all tasks we need to do anyway but by adding a little more exercise you will start to burn extra calories.


High intensity interval training is great as its short bursts of activity followed by short periods of recovery.  For those time poor trying to fit in exercise its a great way of getting started as it only takes 20 minutes.

3.  Meditate

With life being so hectic it’s rare we get time to ourselves to pause and reflect.  With the warmer days find yourself some time to sit and soak up some spring sunshine rays.

4. Stretch

We always mention stretching is a great way to prevent injury but it can also force some time out.  At the end of a busy day it’s great to get home and spend some time stretching out our stiff muscles and joints.

At Physio On Miller we offer Pilates classes which can help tone and stretch your body ready for summer!

The 7 minute workout

Not enough time to workout?

What if all it took was 7 minutes? What if you could reap the benefits of running and weight bearing exercise without all of the expensive equipment, gym contracts and slogging away on a treadmill for hours on end?

Exciting new evidence has been found by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Their research shows that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscle comparable to those of several hours of bike riding or running.

Exercise Physiology is fascinating to hear about, but knowing how to put the latest research into practice can be tricky. But the good news is, an article in the American College of Sports Medicine‘s Health & Fitness Journal does just that. With 12 exercises using only your body weight, a chair, and a wall, it fulfils the latest mandates for the 7 minute high intensity work out. And by high intensity, Chris Jordan and his colleagues mean intense periods intermingled with periods of recovery. Their program alternates exercises that utilise large muscles in the upper body with those of the lower body, with 10 seconds to catch your breath in between. The exercises should be performed for 30 seconds in rapid succession, with an intensity of 8 out of 10 on a discomfort scale, Jordan says.

While the old saying ‘no pain, no gain’ holds true, having no time for exercise becomes a thing of the past. So get some friends together, or do it alone and get intense for 7minutes to reap all of the enormous health and fitness benefits from high intensity interval training.