Visit our Clinic
Suite 6, 506 Miller St, Cammeray
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 7.30am - 7.30pm, Sat 8am - 12pm

Shoe and Clothing Collection for Luvungi Hospital in Congo

Physio on Miller are collecting Clothes and Shoes for the Container of Love to Luvungi hospital in DR Congo!
We are supporting a non for profit organisation called mission in health care and development (MHCD)
MHCD is a small band of international supporters, many of whom are Australian – who contribute resources, expertise and encouragement. MHCD overseas the packing of all donations and fundraises the $10,000 to pay the transport costs of the Container of Love to Luvungi hospital in DR Congo. 

The containers they send provide quality resources and necessities that Congolese people can’t buy locally nor could they ever afford. The benefits go beyond the individual items and bring welfare and the potential for prosperity.

The containers bring health resources for local clinics and hospitals, blankets for children and babies, reusable washable wear for young girls so they can attend school, clean second-hand clothes and shoes, babies’ clothes, sports clothes and equipment, computers for students at trade school, sewing machines for the tailoring school and to give to women graduates, solar panels for power generation throughout the hospital and the wider community, birthing kits for birth attendants, school tables and chairs and clothes for the orphans.

MHCD aims to send one shipping container of donated goods annually.

Please donate any second hand clothing, shoes and sneakers for both adults and children by bringing them in to the clinic and we will organise the delivery to the container in Adelaide.