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Wry Neck - how physio can help

Wry Neck: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, and How Physiotherapy Can Help

Have you ever woken up from a bad nights sleep and your neck is incredibly stiff and sore? You could experiencing Wry Neck. Clinically known as torticollis, it is a condition where there is an abnormal head tilt or turn. This can cause discomfort, pain, and a reduced range of motion in the neck. It is important to understand the symptoms, causes and management of Wry Neck which we have outlined below.

Wry Neck – What are the Symptoms?

The hallmark of Wry Neck is the involuntary turning or tilting of the head to one side. Common symptoms include:

  • Neck Pain: Sharp or aching pain in the neck, often accompanied by stiffness.
  • Limited Movement: Difficulty moving the neck, particularly in one direction.
  • Muscle Spasms: Involuntary contractions in the neck muscles.
  • Head Tilt: The head may be persistently tilted to one side

What are the Causes?

  • Wry Neck can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
  • Muscle Strain: Overuse or strain of the neck muscles, often from poor posture or sleeping in an awkward position.
  • Injury: Trauma to the neck, such as whiplash from an accident.
  • Congenital Conditions: Some people are born with conditions that affect neck muscle function.
  • Neurological Conditions: Rarely, neurological issues can cause abnormal muscle contractions.

How do I Manage Wry Neck?

  1. Rest and Pain Relief:  Initial treatment often includes rest and using ice or heat to reduce pain and inflammation.
  2.  Stretching and Strengthening: Tailored exercises help to stretch tight muscles and strengthen weaker ones, improving flexibility and reducing strain.
  3. Postural Training: Learning proper posture and ergonomic adjustments can prevent recurrence and reduce strain on the neck.
  4. Manual Therapy: Techniques like massage and joint mobilization can improve neck movement and relieve muscle tension.
  5. Education: Physiotherapists provide guidance on which activities to avoid to minimise exacerbation of symptoms

How long does it take to Recover?

Recovery from Wry Neck varies depending on the severity and underlying causes. With appropriate physiotherapy, many individuals start to see improvement within a few days to weeks. More persistent cases may require several months of consistent treatment and self-care.

Physiotherapy offers a comprehensive approach to managing Wry Neck by addressing both symptoms and the root causes. By working with a physiotherapist, individuals can benefit from personalized treatment plans that include; Targeted Home Exercise Program: Designed to improve neck strength, flexibility, and overall function. Manual Therapy, to reduce pain and improve joint mobility and Education about posture and ergonomics to prevent future issues.

In conclusion, Wry Neck, can be a challenging condition, but with prompt recognition and appropriate treatment, relief is attainable. By understanding its symptoms and causes, and leveraging effective management strategies, including physiotherapy, you can significantly improve your neck’s function and alleviate discomfort. Taking a proactive approach with professional guidance will help you return to your everyday activities with greater comfort and stability.

Book in to see one of our Physio’s if you are experiencing neck pain.