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Mon - Fri 7.30am - 7.30pm, Sat 8am - 12pm

Getting the most of your New Years Resolutions

It’s that time of year again when everyone is setting out New Years Resolutions and unfortunately it won’t be long till a majority of people start breaking them. There are many reasons why New Year Resolutions don’t stick- they may be unrealistic, there is a lack of self-discipline or life gets “too busy”.

Reading a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald, there were some helpful tips from experts in ways to stick with your resolutions this year.

1. Know thyself- choose exercise that you are likely to enjoy and commit to. If you really hate gyms then setting a goal of going to the gym everyday is unlikely to happen. Get involved with exercise you enjoy and reap the benefits all year round.

2. Gain group support – whether physical or virtual it always helps to have others spurring you on and keeping you accountable. You can sign up to personal training, join Pilates classes or change you facebook status. The more people who know you are committed to exercise the more encouragement you will receive.

3. Make mini milestones- some New Years Resolutions are big eg running a half marathon. It doesn’t mean they can’t be achieved but remember to have mini milestones to keep you motivated. It may be achieving a 10km run or running 3 times a week, just remember to set small goals too.

4. Schedule in your training- If it’s in the diary it is more likely to happen. Too many times social activities pop up and let’s admit most of the time they are much more enticing. But if you schedule in your training session it is more likely you will attend.

To help you stick to you New Years Resolutions, Physio On Miller is offering Pilates classes starting 31st January. Let’s achieve that toned body together!